Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kindness from family, friends and strangers

I just want to make a quick update about my sister Kristin and her family. They've been in their new town for two weeks now and they are settling in. Kristin enrolled her oldest son in first grade and he likes his new class. Scott started his new job last Monday and that's going well, too.

Their U-Haul trailer was found a few days after it was stolen, but it was empty, of course. Even though Scott had taken out the full amount of insurance that U-Haul offered, they said that their insurance doesn't cover theft. After my sister's experience with U-Haul, I would never use them or recommend their services to anyone. They were extremely slow to respond when my sister called to talk about things, and they just had an awful experience with U-Haul all around.

People have been so generous to my sister and her family. Family and friends have sent money or gift cards, or have sent clothing or other care packages. Even perfect strangers who have heard about my sister's situation have reached out to help. Here's one example: our younger sister Laura is on a mommy blog and she wrote about Kristin's situation. One of the other moms on the blog sent Kristin a big box of brand-new clothes from Children's Place. Other people that Kristin hasn't seen since high school have sent packages, too. Kristin has been so touched at the outpouring of love and help.

It just warms my heart to see the way people react when someone's in need. It's really the way it should be!

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