Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's like the real thing, only better!

Do you like Samoas Girl Scout Cookies? They are so good, but so bad for you because each cookie has 75 calories and four grams of fat. And who can stop at one since these cookies are so small?

I have a healthier alternative to suggest. Kellogg's Caramel Coconut Fudge Fiber Plus bars. They really taste very similar to Samoas Girl Scout Cookies! One bar (I'd say it's the size equivalent of four Soamoas cookies) only has 130 calories, and the best part is that it has nine grams of fiber. Most Americans don't get the suggested amount of fiber each day, so these tasty bars would be a great way to boost your fiber intake. (Although, I would NOT recommend eating more than one bar a day because you'll regret it later, if you know what I mean!)  ;)

Don't be afraid to try them – you just might find something you love for more ways than one!


  1. We just talked about fiber today in my Nutrition class. Maybe I should buy some of those for them to try!

  2. Thanks, I did not know this info about the Kelloggs cookie...

  3. Now I'm going to have to get me some! I love Samoas but not the calories!

  4. I gotta give these a try. They look delicious!


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