Saturday, May 7, 2011

Comic book movies

My sister Chandra and I went to the movies this afternoon and we saw Thor in 3-D. We've been busy lately, so we haven't been to the movies since the end of March, so I was glad that we had the chance to go this afternoon. Thor is a comic book movie, and comic book movies happen to be my favorite genre of movies. I had high expectations and I wasn't disappointed!

I always hesitate to give high praise and/or criticism to a movie because I never want to encourage someone to see it and then have them end up disappointed. That being said, I really enjoyed the movie. There were a lot of loose ends when the movie ended, so that makes the perfect set up for a sequel. I wouldn't mind a equal since I enjoyed the movie so much. If they do make a sequel, hopefully they can make it just as good or better than the first. 

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