Thursday, June 2, 2011

More family fun

I wanted to write a little more about my family reunion and post a few more pictures of the fun we had together.

Lots of time was spent in the kitchen either preparing food, making desserts or cleaning up messes. I don't think the reunion would've been near as fun if we didn't have yummy food to enjoy.

   __There was lots of time stories and games:

   __Here are some of my other favorite pictures from the reunion:

My 10 month old niece Amy even got her first French-braided pigtails. Chandra is really good at braiding, but it was difficult, even for her. The braids turned out pretty well, but they didn't last. At least we got a few pictures while they were nice.


  1. Heather,
    thank you so much for the wonderful compliment about my blog but you forgot to become a follower! please do at your earliest convience. and i too, hope we become great friends. i'll look you up on face book! but please honey if you don't mind become one of my blog followers, okay?

  2. What a great time with family.


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