Friday, November 11, 2011


As cliché as it sounds, I AM one of Anderson's biggest fans! Admitting that makes me sound pathetic, since he's someone I've never met in person, but I can't deny it… I really like him! Anderson has a gift for being able to tell other people's stories in a way that other people can relate to. He's down to earth, relatable and hilarious in a witty way. All of that in conjunction with his willingness to laugh at himself is so endearing and it makes me laugh right along with him.

He's a talented journalist and I appreciate his objectiveness when delivering the news. He doesn't editorialize with his personal opinion, he just presents the facts and lets you draw your own conclusions. If there were breaking news in the world I definitely want to get the scoop from AC because he's definitely a credible, trustworthy source.

Here's a dirty little secret… well, it's not a secret, and it's definitely not dirty, but I take a bath with Anderson every afternoon! Anderson's new talk show is on at 4 PM, and that's when we do my afternoon routine which includes getting me back to bed, undressing me, giving me a bath, repositioning me, etc. Having "Anderson" on is just as much a part of my routine as everything else and it's something I look forward to each day.

Anderson isn't your traditional celebrity or superstar, but if I could have my choice of meeting anyone in the world, Anderson would make the short list of people I'd like to meet most. This is just another feather to stick in my the cap of dreams.


  1. Dearest Heather,

    Anderson scored extra points with me when he did that interview with Dr. Jeffries; and demanded an explanation of Jeffries calling the Mormon church a "cult".

    Love Your Utah Friend,


  2. Dear Heather, I get it! I wake up with Anderson each morning! He is so real and I love it when he says,"what's the point?" We should be a part of a show for him called, "Women in WHeelchairs, what it's like in 2011."


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