Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Down a Sunny Dirt Road…

When I was a little girl I used to love Berenstein bear books and I have fond memories of reading the books over and over. These books always had a way of teaching values in a way young children could understand. Stan and Jan Berenstein published their first BB book, The Big Honey Hunt in 1962 and the rest is history, as there are now over 300 Berenstein bear books. 
The reason I'm writing this post is because Jan of Jan and Stan Berenstein passed away last Friday, February 24, at the age of 88. (Stan passed away in 2005.) Never fear, however, because their son Mike Berenstein is keeping the BB legacy alive.
I think my all time favorite Berenstein book is The Berenstein Bears and the Messy Room. I'm a very tidy person, so I appreciate the end of the book where Brother and Sister Bear get their room nice and organized, thanks to the help of Papa Bear's handy construction skills. Some of my other all-time favorite BB books are Old Hat New Hat, Trouble with Money, Go to School, No Girls Allowed, Too Much TV, Forget Their Manners, Get the Gimmies, Week at Grandma's, and Bad Dream to name a few. Such good memories!


  1. The messy room book was my favorite, for the same reason!

  2. Heather, I love your blog! You are such an inspiration to us all! And I loved reading BB growing up too. :)

  3. Wow, thanks for reminding me of the B.Bears! I also read that book over and over to my kids! They were the greatest books! Have a great day. Colleen.

  4. The Berenstain Bears are one of my favorites.


  5. These were my favorite books when I was a kid too! Have you read/seen the "Living Lights" collection of BB? They are the same great lessons but have an added touch about what God would like to see during the lesson. My boys have several of the BB Living Lights collection.


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