Saturday, June 2, 2012

Family Reunion: Saturday

My sister Kristin wasn't able to come to the reunion, but she wanted Grandpa to know that she was thinking of him, so she made him a beautiful bouquet of paper roses. It was so cute to watch Grandpa open his flowers and see his reaction. (Here are some pictures, and click here and here for some videos:) 
After we took our group pictures on Saturday we went to the meeting room at the hotel our out of town family members were staying. It was nice to have a large room where we had more room to visit with each other while still being all together in the same room.

The first thing we did was have a Q&A session with Grandpa. I already feel like I know a lot about Grandpa's life since I wrote his life story a few years back, but it was still interesting to listen to him talk and hear what questions people would ask him. Grandpa was back in his element as a teacher and it was fun to watch him. Here are pictures of Grandpa in action, as well as pictures of a timeline he created with pictures from his life.
Click here and here to hear Grandpa talk about his experiences in World War II.

Then we had dinner. My mom made it easy on herself by ordering two hams from HoneyBaked Ham, and we also had rolls, coleslaw, fresh fruit and vegetables. Then we went back to my house for dessert and had rhubarb cobbler; a favorite dessert in our family (although I'm not that crazy about it).

I made slideshow to commemorate Grandpa's life and we watched it on my big TV when we went home for dessert. I got lots of compliments on it from everyone and Grandpa really liked it. He admitted to my mom that he cried all the way through it, so I'd say that means it was a success and worth all of the time I spent on it. I put it on YouTube, so check it out if you're interested. Grandpa Z's Slideshow

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