Friday, October 12, 2012

New Quilt 'a la Annette

My sister Annette has a talent for making quilts, and she's made them for herself and her family, as well as for gifts for other people for special occasions, myself included. Earlier this year I asked her to make me a new quilt and she was sweet enough to oblige me and she's been working on it for the past few months. She surprised me with it when she came to visit a few days ago. Isn't it lovely?! I absolutely love it and it should help to make the chilly winter weather more bearable!

The pictures don't really show what the colors truly look like, but you get the gist of it.
A close-up look of two of nine patch squares:
Here you can see the back of the quilt and the flower-shaped pattern that my sister hand-quilted. (Yes, HAND-quilted… every stitch by hand!):
And finally a double-sided pillowcase to match:


  1. Wow that's amazing. I've always wanted to do that. I wonder how she does the stitched flowers. Sewing machine?

  2. OMG that's AMAZING!!!! I've thought about trying quilting for a few years but haven't gotten around to it... I can't believe Annette hand stitched all those flowers!! Were they free hand or did she draw them on first? I'm just blown away by the whole thing!

  3. I love the lovely bright colours, especially yellow:). Annette did a brill job:)


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