Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mister Rogers

When I made THIS post on Sunday I wrote about reminiscing as I looked through my childhood scrapbooks. I came across something else I wanted to write about. I was a huge Mister Rogers fan when I was as a kid, and so was my mom. Mister Rogers was such a kind person that really knew just what kids needed to learn and and grow. He knew how to make kids feel important and special.

I wrote a "fan letter" to Mister Rogers in 1990 when I was five years old, and he even wrote back  It wasn't just a standard, cookie-cutter letter that they sent to all the kids that sent fan letters, but a personal, hand-signed letter that commented on the things I must've said in my letter. I think that's impressive since he had to have been a busy guy that got a fair amount of fan letters!
My mom has said several times over the years that Mister Rogers is one of the people she's looking forward to meeting in heaven. He was an awesome person and someone that I still look up to, so I have to agree that it will be nice to meet him on the other side!

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