
I'm wondering if anyone out there is as discussed as I am with political commercials! First of all, politics are something that I really can't stand! Maybe it's because I don't really understand politics, but politicians always seem so nasty and are always just out for "number one!" I get so annoyed when I'm constantly bombarded with nasty political commercials every time I tune into the television! One politician is always slamming another, and it's so disgusting! I don't really claim to be a member of one political party or another, although I am a conservative person. However, there are very few, if any, political commercials that I approve of. (I definitely couldn't say, " I'm Heather Johnson and I approve this message!)
If I were to see a political commercial where the candidate was just listing their views and concerns without ridiculing their running mate I would be far more in favor of them than if they were criticizing someone else. Why are the people that make political commercials so daft that they don't realize this?! We might not agree, but can't we just respectfully agree to disagree?! It's really infuriating!
I have to admit that I can't remember that much about the specific aspects of our founding fathers and government, (I've been out of school too long!) however, I'm sure that they would be disgusted with our current politicians and the road that our government and law system has taken in the past 100 years or so. They're probably rolling over in their graves with embarrassment, thinking something like, "That is not how we set up our government; that is not how our government is supposed to work!"
All right, I'll get off my soapbox now, but my feathers were ruffled and I just had to get a few things off my chest! (And for the record, I heard no fewer than 10 political commercials in the few minutes it took to write this post.) When will the election be over?!!
Then last Friday I had a "getting to know you" night where I invited a few gals from church over to get to know my sister Kristin since she is new in the area. Kristin made cream cheese basil bruschetta and a rocky road tart. Both were really delicious! We chatted until about 11:30 pm and it was so much fun to learn even more about our friends.
Tonight is my book group, which I'm really looking forward to, especially since Kristin made a homemade German chocolate cake. She gave me a little taste of the frosting she made and it was so good -- I can't wait to have a piece tonight!
Above is a video that my sister Annette showed me when she visited last week. The guy in the video, Matt, goes all around the world dancing in front of different people and it's become a YouTube hit. Annette's son Kimball loves watching this video, and he even tries to dance like Matt. I was so fascinated by this video and I watched it over and over. It was so fun to see all of the different places in the world that Matt has traveled to, and the people who live there that join in on the dancing.
In the above post I wrote about the "Matt Dancing" video that my sister Annette told me about. Her son Kimball and two of my other nephews, Ethan and Jared, loved watching the video over and over. This video is one that my sister took of the boys dancing while watching Matt dancing. I thought it was so cute how they really got into it. So cute!
I haven't been blogging much lately because things have been so busy! My sister Kristin, her husband Scott and their four little boys moved in with my mom and me three weeks ago. Kristin's husband finished his MBA earlier this year but he hasn't found a job yet, so they decided to move in with us while he looks for a job. I couldn't be happier to have my sister and her family living with us! Until my sister and her family visited in June, it has been four long years since I'd seen my sister. I'd only met her oldest son twice, her second oldest son once (and that was when they were both very young) and I'd never met her two youngest sons. I'd heard all about the boys from my sister, but it was so nice to finally get to know them a little bit.
Kristin's family's nine-day visit in June was wonderful, but it just wetted my appetite for more! I was so sad when Kristin left, so you can imagine my joy when a few weeks later Kristin and her husband asked my mom if they could live with us while searching for a job. He hasn't found a job yet, but I'm "mentally" crossing my fingers that he will find a job soon and that it will be in the St. Louis area. It would be a huge blow to all of us if their family had to leave now -- especially if it were somewhere far away!
My sister Annette and her two kids are also visiting this week, so we have a house full with six kids, ages six and under! It's definitely loud and there's always something going on, but I love it! Hopefully I'll have time to squeeze in a bit of computer time soon so that I can keep posting. I really miss blogging when things are busy!
It seems like in today's society it's a strange and bizarre thing to have a large family. A lot of people think that having more than two or three children in some sort of "phenomenon." I've heard my sisters and some other people I know with 3+ children say that when they are out in public with their kids they occasionally get questions like, "Are these all your children?" I'm sure people are just curious and maybe a bit incredulous when they meet someone who has four, five, six, etc. children, but I'm wondering if these people realize that this comment definitely has a negative undertone to it. And there's always the, "You do know where babies come from, don't you?" comment which is even more insensitive and insulting. (My mom said that she got that comment a lot when she was having kids.) What's wrong with wanting a large family? Some people actually like having lots of kids!
I obviously don't have any children of my own, but if I were married and in the business of starting a family, I would want a large family. I've always known that I wanted to be a mom, and when I was a teenager and thought about having a family, I wanted three or four kids. A few years later when I was 20, 21, 22-ish, I thought it would be nice to have four or five kids. At my current age of 26 I think I would want to have at least five kids, but maybe six, assuming I was healthy enough and assuming my husband was on board.
Maybe my feelings stem from coming from a large family (seven girls), because I can't imagine having or wanting a small family. Lots of people think that two kids -- a boy and a girl, for example -- is perfect. Not me! It makes me sad to think of only having one sibling. Of course I understand that some people have a hard time having kids, and they might not be able to have as many kids as they would like, but I can't imagine only wanting two kids. I would want my kids to have several siblings to grow up with, like I did.
To each his own, of course, but I'm a huge supporter of large families!
In the past two months I've spent $850 on new clothes at Old Navy. Hear me out before you raise your eyebrows! I like to do a lot of my shopping online because it's a lot easier to buy things while sitting in my recliner then it is to go to the actual store. There are no tight corners to maneuver my wheelchair around and no large racks of clothing impeding my path. I can see all of my options just by saying, "mouse click."
As I've already written, I've spent hundreds of dollars shopping at Old Navy in recent weeks. The reason these online shopping excursions have been so expensive is because I usually buy two sizes in everything I buy so that I have a better chance of getting something that fits. Ultimately, a significant portion of what I buy ends up getting returned to the store.
Regardless if I shop online or in an actual store, I always spend a lot of money due to the fact that I can't try anything on until I'm at home and in my bed. Since I'm in a wheelchair and unable to get out of it at the store (in addition to the fact that other people have to dress me) it just makes sense to buy a lot and then return it after I've tried it on at home.
When all is said and done, my tab of $850 won't end up being near as much! Thank goodness for computers, the internet and online shopping!