Tomorrow is
the ninth anniversary of my car accident. It's SO hard to believe that it's
been nine years! The time has gone so quickly, but at the same time when I
think back to life "pre-accident" it seems like SO LONG ago and
it's hard to remember what it was ever like to be "normal." It's mind-boggling that I've
lived more than a third of my life paralyzed!
On the morning news program I watch they occasionally have a segment
called "note to self" where they have people who are older people write
notes to their younger selves, or they have people who have been through difficult
things write notes to themselves as the person they were before facing adversity.
It's always very interesting, so I thought I would write a note to myself before my accident.
Dear Heather,
Tomorrow you will be in
a car accident; one that you will not walk away from. You will be changed in
drastic ways for the worse and the
better. Your accident will be the worst thing to happen to you physically, but
the absolute best thing to happen to you in every other way.
Your accident will fill
your life with many challenges and things will not be easy, especially at first.
But eventually things will get easier and you will have a quality life that fulfills you. All of your hopes, dreams and priorities will change, but you will experience
immeasurable joy. You'll face disappointments, especially when it comes to the deepest
desires of your heart, but any discouragement you experience will be far
outweighed by the joy you’ll feel each and every day.

You will not be alone.
The Lord loves you and knows of your situation and will walk beside
you throughout your journey. Your faith, appreciation and love for the
Lord will grow immensely as you learn to lean on Him and as you rely on His comfort to
get you through difficult times. Becoming paralyzed is part of the Lord's plan
for you and was no accident. You have an earthly mission to help others
experience lives of joy. Becoming paralyzed is the only way for you to accomplish this to the
magnitude that the Lord is intending. The Lord has
confidence in you!
You've always known that
there’s life after death and that one day everyone will be resurrected, but heaven
and the resurrection will take on a whole new meaning after your accident.
Earthly life may seem long as you experience the frustrations of daily life,
but life will pass faster than you can comprehend. If you live well and make good
choices you will have an eternity of joy!
Just remember to "keep your
eye on the prize." In the end you will be free and you will experience all
of the things that you've always hoped and dreamed of, including all of the things your accident deprived you of. Stay joyful!
~ Your future self
I love this quote from Thomas S Monson: "…our promised
blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the
rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our
Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to
our hearts. … There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us. … Be of
good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith."