Here are a few pictures:

Last Friday I went to the eye doctor for my annual eye exam. It was very fortunate that I went in when I did because I had an eye infection on my left cornea called an infiltrate. I was a little surprised since I hadn't been experiencing any pain, vision loss or anything like that. My doctor estimated that the infection had only been going on for a week or so and was a result of sleeping in contracts. (For the past six years I've been wearing the Focus Night & Day lenses that you can sleep in.) My doctor said that she doesn't want me to sleep in my contacts anymore, so that's disappointing because that means my mom will have to take them out every night and put them back in every morning. This isn't a big deal, just an annoyance. Oh well, I know I've got to take care of my eyes.
One silver lining about this eye infection and not being able to sleep in my contacts anymore is that it's a good excuse to get new glasses. I've had the same glasses for the past 10 years, so I think it's time to upgrade to something that's a bit more current. Plus, my prescription has changed considerably in the past 10 years, so I can't see well out of my glasses at all!
Yesterday afternoon my mom and my sister Kristin came with me to my follow-up appointment. Fortunately my infection had cleared up and the white spot on my cornea had gone away. I picked out some new frames with the help of my mom and my sister, and I can't wait to get them next week. It will be great to be able to see clearly, even when I'm not wearing my contacts.
Sometimes I wonder what it would've been like to live in the "olden days" before there were things like glasses and contacts. I bet people just thought that they were slowly going blind. I have really poor vision, and I can't imagine having to live life not seeing!
I can't wait for the day when I have a resurrected body. One of the many reasons is to have perfected eyes so that I can see in perfect 20/20!
Sometimes my mom watches Kristin's and Scott's four boys so that they can go out in the evening and have a date together. It works out well, especially since Kristin and Scott are living with us and Mom is able to watch the kids while still being able to keep an eye on me in case I happen to need something.
Kristin and Scott's youngest son Aaron is eight months old, which isn't really old enough to understand why his parents aren't around, but IS old enough to miss them! Sometimes he gets lonely after his older brothers go to bed, and he will start to cry even if my mom is holding him because he's lonely and misses his parents -- especially his daddy. He's quite a daddy's boy, and he usually spends the evening with his dad while his dad works on his computer, watches TV and things like that. When Aaron gets lonely and starts to fuss and cry, sometimes my mom will get one of Scott's "dirty" shirts and will wrap Aaron up in it. It's amazing how this helps to calm Aaron down, and will even put him to sleep. It's a great trick when the "real thing" isn't around.
(To clarify, when I say "dirty," I just mean a shirt that Scott has worn, but that hasn't been laundered yet -- not an actual stinky shirt!)
Several posts back I wrote about reaching my "one year anniversary of blogging" at the end of July. I usually write several posts a week, so I thought it would be nice to print off my blog and make a book. I originally was going to copy and paste all of my blog postings to a Word document and have it printed at Kinko's. I wrote about my plan on my blog, but one of my followers gave me a tip about a website called where you can type in your blog address, and then all of your posts are automatically uploaded to their website and they will print your blog into a book. If you're a regular follower of my blog, then you know how much I enjoy documenting my life. I thought having my blog printed into a book would be a great way to help document.
This website is really straightforward and easy to use. There were a couple of things that I wished I could've changed (like the font, and I wish I could've deleted/moved pictures), but over all I liked it. My book cost almost $75 because it had 155 pages and I chose to do a hard cover, but in my opinion it was well worth it. (Books start at $14.95 for a 20 page, softcover book, by the way.)
My book arrived last Tuesday and it looks even better then I thought it would! I was a little worried that it might not be worth the money, but it definitey was and I'm glad I did this!
In the first year after my accident I had a conversation with my sister Sharon and I remember telling her that I wished I had an invisibility cloak like Harry wore in the Harry Potter books. (He was able to wear this cloak and move about without being seen.) I wished I had one so that I could go out in public without being seen and without having people look at me. I wanted to go out in public, but it wasn't worth the trouble of feeling like I stuck out like a person that was so obviously different from everyone else.
I'm happy to say that now after almost seven years since my accident, I've conquered this fear, and I now not only feel okay in public, but I actually want to go out and do things. I never thought I would change my mind about this, but I have, and I feel so happy. I attribute this change to making new friends. Having friends makes me feel "normal" in a lot of ways again, and I'm so thankful for that!