My new glasses came in last Friday, and I was very excited to go pick them up. As I said in my last post, I've had the same glasses for the past 10 years, so I thought it was about time to upgrade to a new pair. Here's a picture of me wearing my old glasses -- taken on my 20th birthday (six years ago).

My new frames are a little darker than I wanted, even though they are brown, but this was the lightest color they came in. One problem I have with the frames is that they hurt the bridge of
my nose! They leave a red mark and an indent on my skin which is painful since there is no padding or cushioning, but I'm hoping my skin gets used to this so that I'm not in pain when I wear them. Here's a picture of me wearing my new glasses. (It's not the best picture since I was in bed when it was taken, but you get the idea.) At least I'm seeing well again, even when I'm not wearing my contacts.
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