I started watching Live with Regis and Kelly when I was in the ICU after my car accident. I'd be so lonely and bored as I waited for visiting hours to begin so I could see my mom, so I watched a lot of TV to keep myself company. I was hooked on Kelly right away, and I've continued watching Live ever since. I think Kelly is so funny and she always makes me laugh. She's really witty and willing to laugh at herself. She seems so down to earth for someone that is a "celebrity," and that's something I really appreciate in someone who is famous because it seems like so many celebrities and famous people lack humility and feel like they are a step above us normal folks!
So Kelly, I just want to let you know how adorable and beautiful I think you are. I'll probably never be lucky enough to meet you, but I'm glad I get to see you an hour a day, five days a week! You always make my day!
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