If I could have a wish (beyond health and prosperity for myself and my family) I would love to be rich! There's so much I would love to do if I had unlimited funds! I would love to be able to donate to charities and to do nice things for people. It's the best!
I love, love, love buying gifts for people, and if I were rich I could be even more generous than I am now. When I give a gift to someone, I love spending time thinking about something that would be meaningful and special for them.

One of my top dreams for myself is to have my own house one day. I would love to live in a house that is one story and completely accessible so that I don't have as many restrictions on where I can and can't go in my own home. I don't want to seem ungrateful for the nice home that I'm living in now, especially since there are so many people in the world who are either homeless or don't have a home near as nice as the one I live in now. However, this isn't my home.
My mom and I are a package deal since she is my main caregiver (not to mention my best friend), so I would love to have a house that we could share where we both have our own areas in the house that are just ours, while at the same time having common areas that we share.
My mom and I are a package deal since she is my main caregiver (not to mention my best friend), so I would love to have a house that we could share where we both have our own areas in the house that are just ours, while at the same time having common areas that we share.

I wish someone who is extremely wealthy like Oprah or Tyler Perry would give me just a pinch of their money so that my dream of having an accessible house could come true!
Hopefully one day I'll have my own house, but for now I'll just stick to daydreaming and being grateful for the things that I do have!

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