Well, this year it was cloudy and Punxsutawney Phil did not see his sha

I was personally disappointed in the way things unfolded yesterday. Unfortunately, the atmospheric temperature where I live was a little too warm, so most of the precipitation that fell yesterday was sleet. I learned on the news that this is the way sleet forms: snow is falling (way up high), then it hits a pocket of warmer air, melts and turns to rain. Then when it gets out of that pocket of warm air, it freezes again as it falls to earth, but it freezes in little balls, which is sleet.
Yesterday we got a lot of sleet… at least 2 inches, maybe closer to 3 inches, but it's hard to tell. If the air temperature had been colder, it would've been all snow… at least a foot, but probably more. That would've been so much more exciting than sleet!! The air was much colder to the north and west, so people who live 30 minutes to the north or west of where I do DID receive tons of snow. (About 15 inches.)
We've gotten quite a bit of snow this year, which I'm grateful for, especially since some years we don't get much snow at all! What if I lived in Chicago where they are getting 2 feet of snow?! Wouldn't that be exciting?!
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