Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Gratitude: Day 4

I'm grateful for family! I love my sisters (all six of them) so much! I wish they lived closer, but I'm grateful for our family chat, email, and video calls that keep us connected. I'm especially grateful for my sister, Chandra, who lives here locally. I ADORE her, and no matter how much time we spend together, it's never enough. I never tire of her! Here are all of my sisters, except Kristin:

Of course, I have to mention my gratitude for my angel mother. She has devoted her life to caring for me, and she does such a fantastic job! I'm glad we get along so well, since we have to spend so much time together!

Finally, I'm grateful for my nieces and nephews. I always wanted to be a mother, but since that didn't work out for me, being an aunt is the next best thing. I love my nieces and nephews—all 26 of them! My sisters are doing such a good job raising them, and they are growing up to be such good, smart, funny, talented and caring people. Family is truly a blessing!


Jen said...

Just came across your blog. You have a beautiful family. You are so strong and even though I don’t know you, you inspire me to have gratitude and to live each day to the fullest. God bless you!

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