I celebrated my 26th birthday this past Saturday. Each birthday I'm always amazed at how old I'm getting! I feel younger than the number I am because I don't feel like I've accomplished as much as a normal 26-year-old should've accomplished. For example, I'm not married, I don't have any children, I don't have a college degree, I don't have a job, etc. I often wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't had my accident and I weren't paralyzed. Would I be married yet? If so, who would I be married to, and what would he be like? Would I be a mom? It's a lot to think about, although these thoughts would purely be speculations, of course. I guess I have my own specialized list of accomplishments, though, like being a happy, healthy disabled person.
Anyway... I celebrated my birthday with a get-together on Friday, June 11, when my sister Kristin was in town. It was Kristin's birthday (our birthdays are only eight days apart), so it was great to be able to celebrate our birthdays together. (She turned 29 and I turned 26.) I invited five of my friends, and I had lots of my family (Annette and Joseph, Kristin and Scott, Laura and Brett, plus Mom and Chandra) around to help me make celebrate. It's rare for me to have so much of my family around since we all live so far apart -- it was a special treat!
Kristin is an amazing cook and she made some delicious party foods: glazed cheese croissants, basil cream cheese bruschetta and coconut cream fruit dip to have with fresh pineapple, strawberries and grapes. Kristin also made a birthday cake for the two of us. She let me pick what cake I wanted, and it was a difficult choice! I settled on a chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream frosting and chocolate ganache. It was amazing! I was very fortunate to have Kristin, my sister, my friend and our chef for the evening to celebrate my birthday with me!
Everyone had a great time talking and visiting while we ate. After we ate we played a game called Werewolves of Millers Hollow -- a game that Kristin gave me last Christmas, but one that I hadn't been able to play yet since it takes quite a few people to play. (It's a game that is similar to Mafia, if you've heard of that. -- I never had.) It was a lot of fun and we all had a great evening! Here are some of my favorite pictures from that night:
Kristin and me and our lovely cake:

Kristin and me:

Nate and me:

Kristin and Scott:

Kristin and Chandra:
Visiting and Playing:

It was a fun evening and great mouse birthday celebration!