My oldest sister Miriam and her family visited this past week from Texas. Their visit completed the summer visits from my family. It's certainly was a very busy June, as we had company 19 out of the 30 days in a month. I was able to see all of my family that lives out of town, and this includes all 15 of my nieces and nephews. It was wonderful to see the ones I already knew and meet the new additions to my family.
It was exceptionally hot this past week, so we didn't go anywhere exciting with Miriam and her family, we just basically stayed inside and kept cool while passing the time hanging out and playing games. It was a great week and it was especially great to see my nieces Kim, Michaela, Courtney and Samantha. It had been an entire year since I'd seen them, so it was fun to see how they had changed and grown.
Here are some on my favorite pictures from their visit:
Mom, Miriam and the girls:
It was exceptionally hot this past week, so we didn't go anywhere exciting with Miriam and her family, we just basically stayed inside and kept cool while passing the time hanging out and playing games. It was a great week and it was especially great to see my nieces Kim, Michaela, Courtney and Samantha. It had been an entire year since I'd seen them, so it was fun to see how they had changed and grown.
Here are some on my favorite pictures from their visit:
Mom, Miriam and the girls:
You are surrounded by a lot of cute girls:)
I just love spending time with my nieces and nephew. They're so much fun, especially when I can persuade them to play a game of Uno or Scrabble with me. Family is so important. Thanks for sharing. I'm following you! Have a happy fourth of July!
Hi Heather! I just found your blog through NieNie & Cjane's...
I'll be stopping of your family, especially those nieces are beautiful!
Hi Heather, I found you through Tina from Little Tots Big Ideas. You are an inspiration to anyone who reads your incredible story.
I agree with you...bad things do happen to good people and that reminds me a very inspriational book I read years back, When Bad Things Happen To Good People by Harold S. Kushner. He too shares a very difficult time in his life and how he dealt with it.
I am a friend now on Google Friend Connect and will read your posts often.
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